Taking Stock…

So much has happened since HEYERWOOD: A Novel was released. Now that we are in a new year, I decided it was time to take stock. There are several things I plan to do differently when my next novel is ready to publish!

1. Ask more questions! At every level of the process, there were so many questions I should have asked. Looking back, I see areas where I should have asked for more information; now that I recognize them, I think that my next effort will work more smoothly.

2. More eyes! Although I did get some help with proofreading and editing, next time I will have a professional help me with this. Spellcheck? Not much use, frankly.

3. Have a marketing plan in place. As a writer, I did not want to think about the business end, and managed to avoid it until after the book was released. Like it or not, whether you publish traditionally or self-publish, the author has to think about this BEFORE the book is published. This is an area that I am still learning (and my learning curve is bigger than I wish it were!), but I will be much better prepared to introduce my next book!

All in all, my experience has been a good one, made so especially by the encouragement, support and kindness shown by people who have read my book. I have much for which to be grateful, and I am.

2 Replies to “Taking Stock…”

  1. What a great vicarious experience. Your journey as a writer is inspirational. As is that marvelous (!) wisteria in your front yard!

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