Welcome to Heyerwood!

I love history, and reading. These two passions have led me to write a novel, titled HEYERWOOD, which will be released soon. In this blog, I will talk about books that inspired me to write my book, information about source books that I read and consulted. I will also enclose some links to sites and blogs that I enjoy. My hope is to share with you sources and information that I have found that you may find interesting or helpful or just plain fun!

In this, my first blog entry, I want to talk about one of my favorite authors, Jane Austen. Right now, Jane Austen’s work is extremely popular, spinning off movies, inspiring sequels and comic books (oops! graphic novels), and is the subject of classes, work shops, book clubs, and conversation. What is it about Jane Austen’s writing that so captures the imagination?

Jane Austen captured a sense of reality in her books. Her characters are people with feelings, worries, concerns. We can relate to them and empathize with them. We see people we know in the silly, annoying, or bad ones. We would like to see ourselves in the good characters.  We recognize the situations in which her characters find themselves, because these situations still exist in normal day-to-day life. (You can still find articles offering advice on the pro’s and con’s of marrying for money!)

Her stories are romantic on the surface. However, as you read and re-read, the social commentary and the subtle humor become increasingly clear. Her novels continue to offer her readers something new with each reading because of the layers of meaning that become apparent as the reader gains experience or maturity. I always find something I missed when I re-read a Jane Austen novel, something I had not fully understood or appreciated.

Jane Austen’s works are more than period pieces, and much more than romance novels. They bring her time to life, and give us a chance to learn much about ourselves at the same time.



Copyright (c) 2011 Lauren E Gilbert


2 Replies to “Welcome to Heyerwood!”

    1. Hi, Baxter! I’ve given your comment serious thought. PRIDE & PREJUDICE is, of course, delightful. However, my personal favorite is PERSUASION. PERSUASION is appropriate as we move into fall, because it has an autumnal mood, that shifts with the story into a springtime, joyous mood. It is her last completed book. I find it to be a very satisfying and enjoyable read. PRIDE & PREJUDICE is my next favorite, followed by EMMA. Please let me know which you choose and what you think about it!

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